Now where was I? Oh yes. Novels.
I have been toying with the idea of entering NaNoWriMo because like my Naughty Nun colleague, I don't really have much to do. Basic deduction tells me if I worked at an average of 5.8 pages a day I could reach the target of 50,000 words - but do I really have that time? I am not one to commit if I don't think I can give 100% and life is too short to beat oneself up for falling short.
I have precisely one day left to decide and so I shall ponder the situation in my slumber.
On a completely different note, if you are a lizard expert get yourself over to Sir Arnopp's place and have a nose around THERE while he's away - he's got a strange specimen 'pickled' in a bottle in the second last photo and if you can correctly name what it is then you'll win the fantastic prize of...a Tenacious North Wing Icicle. Oh, come on what more do you want? Blood? A novel? Tsk.
Ta-ra for now.
oh the suspense. will she or won't she.
You can do it. Nanowrimo, that is. I did it, you can do it.
ReplyDeleteJust place your hands gently on the keyboard, close your eyes tight and as soon as the grandfather clock in the hallway chimes midnight to welcome in the first day of November start typing like the very devil.