Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Emm, Emm, Aaaargh!

Today I had that awful feeling of: if I didn't - I was a bad mother; if I did - I was also a bad mother.  I am talking the combined MMR vaccination here, and in the pending wake of an epidemic (or was it going to be a pandemic?), I figured I should be The Bad Mother Who Chose To Vaccinate.  So The Kid is in bed and we've only had one wake up so far to report (just the usual dropped dummy).  However, I did notice he had a feint rash across his cheeks along with a chipmunk-like look.  It could of course be my imagination, which I am sure is going to run riot for the next few weeks.  Elinor has suggested Calpol and Wine, though I'm not sure they taste so good mixed.  You never know, it could be the next Red Bull & Vodka.  I'll let you know.

Talking of drinking - sorry, I meant talking of talking - I had a lovely afternoon in the fantastic company of Far Away, Potdoll & Helen on Saturday and what started out as a very calm, civilised 'coffee and cake' turned into a hysterically funny meeting of the minds (and livers). Think Women's Institute morphs into Coyote Ugly and you're vaguely moving in the right direction.

Right. Back to work I go.  Enough procras for one evening. Laters.


  1. can I have calpol too? I am partial to a spoon of it.

    loved loved Saturday. I'm sure Kid will be fine cos he's so DAMN CUTE.


  2. He's not too bad - a few groans, moans and a bit hot but he will NOT go to sleep for his nap. Grrrr. I'll save you some Calpol. x

  3. I always heard that Gin and Milk was the way to go.

    But I have no hard evidence for this.

  4. But is that Gin & milk mixed for both of us, gin for him & milk for me or gin for me and milk for him? Besides they curdle together. Not that I've tried or anything. ;)

  5. There's no evidence to suggest the MMR was unsafe - didn't that doctor who wrote that report about it being UNsafe get struck off or at least demoted for not using enough evidence?

    Whatever the case, measles causes blindness in the actual kid, rubella causes blindness in unborn babies and mumps can cause sterility in young boys. I think we forget how bad these germs *can* be. No contest for me - vaccinate away!

  6. It was never a case of not vaccinating - just having him vaccinated with separate injections as opposed to the combined one. It's an awful lot for a little system to deal with...anyway, he's dealing!

  7. Well, if you're offering I'll have buttercup cough syrup on the rocks.

  8. You're a hard case, Elinor. I bet you've tried Tixylix chasers too...

  9. Damn my blogging indiscretions..!

  10. Lara, I can't believe I only just saw this post now!

    Anyway I was like you and thought I'd go for the single doses - but they ended up giving my daughter MMR without even tellng me!
    Anyway, no harm done..


  11. Hey F A, all seems ok - he had a bit of a rash and was cranky for a couple of days but seems ok. xxx
