Monday, May 07, 2007

It's Bank Holl-eee-day

Only click on this link if you wish to procrastinate more than normal. You have been warned.

A Very Annoying Little Game


  1. Honey, I found way more things to procrastinate about without this. Still gave him a couple of shots and the dumb rodent failed both times.

  2. Ooooh, GD, you must be one of those special people with abilities beyond d'puter. Wow. ;0)

  3. That squirrel/swami hybrid (squami?) has done my head in. That's a clever l'il trick. And yes, it's killed five minutes which I really don't have. :-S :-)

  4. Just noticed the time. I'm not sure whether I was annoyed with that little CK getting it wrong or the fact that it was getting ot wrong at two o'clock in the goddam morning!
